Is it really possible that Ewan McGregor is 38 years old today?! Good lord ... AG takes a moment out and looks at the calendar ... is it. Wo...

Is it really possible that Ewan McGregor is 38 years old today?! Good lord ... AG takes a moment out and looks at the calendar ... is it. Wo...
San Juan by-the-Sea was a railroad boom town created in 1887. It was subdivided and marketed, but it never really took off. The busy scene ...
I just received an email from Chris Nichols with a link to a new website , followed with the words, "WOW! The Jack Laxer of Sambo’s ...
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And it's a big, loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Christopher Lambert, who turns 52 today! Can you believe that? It only seems like yesterday that ...
And an editorial note here ... thanks gazillions to Jade (who is the cover artist for DreamCraft and Mel Keegan ) for the spanking new hea...
As a kind of post script to the last entry in this odd journal, I'm going to talk about Viggo again for a couple of minutes, and his ne...
Here's a great image of Walt Disney reading stories at Disneyland in 1966. (Click photo to enlarge.) It came from a magazine ad for R...
I'm in a Viggo mood today ... because he's been on the box promoting GOOD, which is just one of his new movies. So, what the hey? Le...
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Today's image shows the Balboa Pavilion in about 1906. . I'd like to welcome the brand-spankin'-new Rancho Santa Margarita Hi...
When's the last time you took a long, hard, serious look at anime, and digitally animated movies, not to mention the games that either s...
You just have to chuckle, but I can also imagine some red faces -- and Christian Bale must be among them. Check this out: BBC Breakfast has ...
Richard Dean Anderson fans: you want good news to wind up today's business?! It couldn't be better, and AG is wearing a mile-wide sm...
This, from the Windy City Times ... and don't you just love this? Bromance. Has to be the cutest term dreamed up for the "zone betw...
There's a curious little piece running on The Times of India, and it just leaves you shaking your head. I've heard of some dumb thi...