They say blonds are more fun, but at the same time you are forgetting that blonds have many problems in maintaining the "most fun hair color."

When going from brown hair to blond, women often find they look washed out or feel like there is missing something. It is because blond hair blends with the facility and requires great care in choosing the make-up. Blond hair doesn't frame a face like brunette, so makeup is the best ally for blonds.

Platinum blond

Wear a color like Gwen Stefani, colors like copper and reddish brown leave on the shelf. Silver or gray eyeshadow are much better choice. In most cases you will need to lighten the eyebrows, and if you're not sure what kind of makeup fits you choose the classic pin up look.

Golden shades

If you have this warm shade of hair go with the pink and peachy shades of makeup. Dark shades of purple can look good on the eyes, and all the warm colors like chocolate brown or purple and copper.

Beach blond

If you have blond hair streaked with irregular strands like you spent several months on the beach, let your make up look like that also. Honey caramel color and shade are ideal, but avoid orange. Highlight cheeks with shimmer color of champagne.

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