No, I just can't let this one go.
John Galliano and his racist rants
Not once, but twice from Le Perle in Paris
It's one thing to be a flamboyant freak with a flair for fashion

It's another thing to be drunk in public in a cafe spouting anti-semitic remarks
and being filmed making such remarks
and as we all know
in vino veritas

Would you buy clothes designed by this man?
No I didn't think so
and neither did Bernard Arnault.
LVMH has suspended Galliano from Dior.

Partly because I loved the historical references and the theatrics,
I always looked forward to seeing what Galliano brought to the runway. 
Sadly no longer. 
Even if he gets reinstated as the creative director at Dior (not likely) or taken on by some other atelier
I won't be able to appreciate his work
Sorry but no fashion from a fascist for me.

And  Kate at Make Do Style has more to say on the matter
go read her post.

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