Who wouldn't want to look like Bardot?
I certainly would...well make that a young Bardot.
But not having the genes for it, why bother investing in the surgery...it's not like there's a Roger Vadim waiting for me out there to launch my career as the world's most desirable ingenue.

But I'm not Cindy Jackson.
She's not only found her inner Bardot, she's created her outer Bardot.

But when it comes to cosmetic surgery when is enough enough and when is enough too much?
Check out this video about Cindy Jackson who holds the record for 52 plastic surgeries

Actually, in spite of her every persistent need for surgical enhancement she doesn't look as overworked  as many of the women that I seen walking around town. Not to mention that virtually every actress in this town, even the 20 year olds, have had some work done.
But who would consent to going under anesthesia that many times? That can't be healthy.

In fact I wonder if it was actually 52 separate procedures carried out in fewer actual operations, since cosmetic surgeons usually bundle them. 

I'm not the least bit anti surgery, in fact sometimes I ask myself wouldn't it have been easier, cheaper and more effective to have had liposuction and a tummy tuck than to have invested in a year's worth of ab crunches with a private trainer. At this point the answer to that is yes.
If only I had Demi Moore's doctors because they did an amazing job with her.

At least Cindy Jackson seems to have had some competent surgeons
unlike Jocelyn Wildenstein whose doctors should have lost their medical licenses.

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