The women of Victoria’s Secret have the sexiest bodies in the world – but it doesn’t happen on its own. These ladies need to work at looking amazing all the time, here are some of their best tips:
Bar Refaeli says she stays in shape by steering clear of fad diets. If she needs to drop a few pounds for a shoot or an event, she’ll never be caught doing the atkin’s diet or cabbage soup diet! Instead, Bar will stick to eating salads and chicken for a while.
New Mom Miranda Kerr has a clean approach to a healthy body – she sticks to a clean diet or all natural and organic foods. Miranda says when she’s at home she cooks a lot of veggies, steamed fish and lentils.
Gisele Bundchen followed the Dukan diet when she gave birth to her first child. The four stage plan originates from France and starts with a protein only diet and gradually increases healthy carbs like fruits and veggies.
Brooklyn Decker likes to lift weights to stay slim – she says she does free weights three times a week. “Lifting makes me leaner,” says Brooklyn.
Alessandra Ambrosio is a fan of the Brazilian Butt Lift class at Leandro Fitness in NYC. The class is a mix of Brazilian martial arts and samba. Alessandra says she loves it because it’s fun, but you’re still doing squats and getting lots of exercise.

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