Speaking of Halloween, Orion Tippens rounded up some of Orange County's spookiest legends in a recent article for Orange Coast Magazine. (My quote isn't 100% accurate, but close enough.) You may also know Orion as one of the helpful staff at the Katie Wheeler Branch Library in Irvine.
You may have seen yesterday's Register feature on famous people buried in O.C. But did you know there's extended coverage and an interactive map on the Register's website? Well, there is.
For the last couple days, Daveland has been running a feature on the Soviet Olympic team's visit to Disneyland in 1956. I particularly enjoyed the photo of the commies in the monkey cage.
The Long Beach Press Telegram just published its own review of Ron and Elfriede Mac Iver's new La Palma book. (You'll find mine in last Saturday's post.)
At Costa Mesa's recent City Council candidate forum, everyone agreed on only one thing: Tearing down Kona Lanes in 2003 was a big mistake and a significant loss to the community. Where were these people five years ago? Not only did they Costa Mesa lose one of its most popular entertainment venues and landmarks, but Southern California lost yet another of its nearly-extinct classic Googie buildings. Worse yet, it has been replaced only with a vacant lot full of weeds. I was there on closing day, and watched the constant procession of people paying their last respects to this nostalgic landmark. Some had tears in their eyes, including married couples who had met while bowling there. Costa Mesa may someday get another bowling center, but it will never replace Kona Lanes.