Meanwhile, today's image is a sneak peek at the Huntington Beach Centennial shirt from Reyn-Spooner, which should be available around March 2009. The shirt is 100% cotton and depicts scenes of the City from as far back as the 1930s, including the Golden Bear, oil fields, and the double-arches that once graced the intersection of PCH and Main St. Yes, Reyn-Spooners are expensive, but they last forever. I'd wear their shirts every day if I though I could get away with it.
Mike Haywood’s new book is Century of Service: A History of Huntington Beach, published by the Huntington Beach Kiwanis. The book has a special focus on the people and groups who have served the community over the decades. Special thanks to Mike for donating a copy to the Orange County Archives.
It’s also come to my attention that a few copies of Steve Holden’s History of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce may still be available through the Chamber’s offices. If you’re interested, you might get in touch with them at (714) 536 8888.
Dana Point has added the historic Woodruff Home (1930) at 33872 Valencia Place to their City Historic Register. Their Planning Commission has also recommended it for Mills Act designation.
Speaking of Dana Point, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the proposed destruction of the “Doheny House” at 35101 Camino Capistrano is now available online. This document never would have been issued unless the Dana Point Historical Society had demanded (repeatedly) that the City and developer do the right thing. The newly minted DEIR cites the effects of the proposed project as a “significant impact” to the community’s historic resources. Although this won’t save the house by itself, it is a step in the right direction and makes the process a bit more transparent. If you’d like your comments about house included in the Final EIR, email them to edemkowicz@danapoint.org and put “35101 Camino Capistrano” in the subject line.