Today's photo shows the Gunther family children and some of their friends in Orange on Christmas Day, 1907. A new bicycle, a new wagon, and a new doll! Gee!
Update: I originally took this image from the material posted to Calisphere by the Orange Public Library (OPL). A day or two later, curiosity led me to OPL's own website, to see if there was additional information. Not only was there additional information, there was conflicting information.
Rather than the Gunther family, they identify the group as the, "Loescher family children and others with wagon, standing beneath palm tree on Christmas Day, 1907, at corner of Palmyra Avenue and Center Street."
The OPL site also provides names: "...Left to right, standing in back: 1. Ewald Grum; 2. Henry Rickles; 2nd row: 3. Walter Loescher wearing cap; 4. unidentified bareheaded boy; 5. Hiker Batterman, with black hat; 6. Adolf Dittmer Jr, with black hat & suspenders; 7. Eleanore Loescher, girl with doll; Seated in "Star Coaster Wagon" are: 8. Ruth Loescher; 9. Arthur Dittmer; 10. Elmer Gunther."
Perhaps the Loeschers, the Gunthers and the Dittmers were related?