London and Matthew fly into Tucson, we hop in the car, and head to the California desert for a 3 day music festival in the town of Joshua Tree, CA located just outside of Joshua Tree National Park. We camped, we danced, we clapped, we sang, we met exciting people, heard amazing music and saw beautiful artwork. The whole festival was wonderful! It had really good energy, from the musicians, to the people, the vendors, the art work, the environment...good vibes all around :) There will be another one in the fall that I hope to attend.
Los Angeles

After the music festival London, Matthew and I drove out to Los Angeles. Unfortunately Matt had to fly back home to Syracuse, NY the next day, but London and I spent the next week in the city doing a bunch of photo shoots. The fist part of the week we stayed with a friend, another model, Samantha Grace. We were all excited we could walk to a Vietnamese restaurant from her place, "PhoSho". Jes, Matt and I really love us some Pho and were real excited about the name of this place. The Pho was bland and quite disappointing, but watching Matt & Jes try to flavor up their Pho with spice was very entertaining. They had so much hot sauce that tears were streaming down their face and they sniffling like crazy to avoid runny noses. High class dinner entertainment right there. It was hilarious! (In case you are wondering what Pho is a delicious yummy rice noodle soup made of pure happiness. You should find a Vietnamese place near you and try some right now!)

I also had some of the most fun & interesting shoots with London this trip...