Dressmaking Made Easy - 1928 - Altering Patterns Part 3
More altering patterns, for "Prominent Abdomen, Larger Bust, Smaller Back, Larger Hip, Narrower Shoulders, Rounded Back, and Flat Chest". That should cover everything!
Today we learn how to alter patterns for the taller or shorter figure, but you still must be shaped ...Read more
These were offered through the Gorcy Embroidery Journal- a monthly catalog from a Montreal based dep...Read more
Hot-iron transfer patterns from the 1928 Gorcy Catalog. Because this was a Canadian company s...Read more
This is one offering from the August 1928 Gorcy catalog. Gorcy was based in Montreal and many of the...Read more
More from this 1928 booklet Vogue Book of Practical Dressmaking. These are some fashion choices in t...Read more