Skin is the largest organ of our body which eliminates more than one quarter of toxins every day. Dead skin cells, excreted wastes, cosmetics and external pollution block the pores of your skin and come in the way of effectively releasing toxins. When the toxins are unable to escape, they are either deposited beneath the skin in the form of cellulite or may flow back into the blood stream causing undue stress on other excretory organs.

Benefits of dry skin brushing
Brushing your skin all over, for five minutes a day, will show excellent health benefits.
Brushing your skin all over, for five minutes a day, will show excellent health benefits.
- Dry brushing activates the lymphatic system by stimulating the lymph canals to release toxic matter into the colon, thus cleansing the entire system. Lymph is a fluid that brings nutrients to the cells and carries the wastes. This waste is excreted through the skin in the form of sweat and dead cells. Dry brushing keeps lymph moving and prevents your pores from clogging with dead skin, so that toxins are released effectively.
- Dry brushing removes cellulite. Cellulite is a fat deposit under the skin that gives the external skin a dimpled affect. A gentle rubbing with the brush can break up the toxic deposits of stored fatty tissues and fight off the cellulite.
- Regular brushing of the skin helps in removing the dead skin while stimulating the growth of new cells and thus leaving it sparkling smooth and tingling fresh. Dry skin brushing alsoincreases blood circulation to skin, allowing your body to discharge metabolic wastes.
- Dry brushing boosts your immune system as the activated lymph system quickly removes the waste material there by reducing the length of infections.
- Dry skin brushing stimulates nerve endings and activates and strengthens the muscles. It also helps in the equal distribution of fat, giving you a leaner toned look.
- This method stimulates both the sweat and sebaceous glands, thus contributing to the restoration of moist, supple skin. Due to the increased blood circulation and shedding of dead layers, new cells are generated giving you a tightened and younger looking skin.
- Dry skin brushing helps your skin to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins effectively by opening up clogged pores.
Dry skin brushing cellulite
To dry brush your skin, choose a brush that has soft, natural fiber bristles and a long handle to reach all the parts easily. This is also available with detachable handle and strap so that it can be used without handle as and when required.
Brushing is to be done on dry skin, before a shower. Dry brush your skin everyday (preferably in the morning) for ten minutes to enjoy excellent results.
- Begin at the sole of your feet and slowly brush upwards with slow yet firm circular movements. All skin brushing movements should move towards the heart, for quick return of blood and lymphatic flow.
- After the sole, proceed towards your ankle and lower part of the leg.
- Brush your knees, then over your thighs, buttocks, and back. Pay extra attention and time, if you have cellulite in these areas.
- Apply gentle pressure on delicate areas like breasts and neck. Also avoid brushing on the broken or damaged skin.
- When you brush your arms, begin with your palms and move up to your arms, reaching your shoulders then towards the heart.
- Be gentle on your facial skin as brisk movements may damage the skin.
- Finally take a shower with warm water followed by a cool rinse at the end to further enhance the blood circulation.
- Keep your brush clean. Wash it thoroughly every fortnight and allow it to dry completely.