Spent the week before Christmas in Atlanta, wrestling for SKW and having a good time visiting great friends! Went to a party and made awesome new friends with the hosts, Amanda and Chris. There was amazing food, fun decorations, a hukka and everyone was wearing Santa hats to bring the Christmas spirit. There were also talks about camping trips in the future...which I hope to be a part of :)
I had not been to Atlanta in about a year, so it was really good to be back. Last year, I had been there a lot because I was dating, Santiago, the wrestling producer of SleeperKidsWorld, who lives and shoots in Atlanta. Things did not work out between us in that way, but we have always remained good friends and still work together whenever possible. Santiago is now dating Jacquelyn Velvets and she has just recently moved in with him in Atlanta from NYC. Jackie and I share mutual friends through modeling and became instant friends when we met at Fetishcon in August. I am really happy for what Santi and Jackie have found with each other and wish them all the best! Once Jackie got settled in with Santiago, I figured it was a good time to return and hang with my Atlanta crew. I'm now happy Jackie is a part of that crew and we had a great time together :)
During my stay we went to a wonderful fondue restaurant called Down the Hatch, where the whole place is built like a giant pirate ship. It was a really neat atmosphere and the food was so fun to cook and eat! I also got to play the XBOX Kinect for the first time! It is AMAZINGLY FUN! We played some sports and then each humiliated ourselves by dancing on the Dance Central game. Jackie took video of it which is pretty funny! The Kinect really is a lot of fun to play and I can't wait to get one! I use my whole body when I play and definitely keep my heart rate up. It's a new way to workout! The Kinect is now #1 on my Christmas wishlist!