The Santiago Orange Growers Association (SOGA) started out in 1893 and closed up shop in 1965. Their brands included Epicure (their "choice" label, shown above), SS (an unfortunate moniker), Everite, Planet, Scepter, Cardinal, and Progressive. SOGA's packing house was in Orange, and was eventually purchased by Villa Park Orchards Association. For a bit more about SOGA, see my post from 3-27-2010.

Speaking of oranges, Stan Oftelie's new Orange County history book for children, Nothing Rhymes With Orange, is now available through Amazon. Stan's unique approach seems a lot less dry than most earlier attempts at this kind of book. He makes the subject relevant and readable for children without talking down to them. Hopefully, this book will serve as a "gateway drug" to many future Orange County history addicts. Gotta get 'em hooked while they're young!

Now I'm off to Marie Callender's for dinner and a slice of pie. Hope they're still there!

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