Sorry about the slacking but it's been one of those weeks...and it's only Tuesday!

Last weekend while Tabitha was off grouse hunting and FF was celebrating her birthday with her fellow Leo's, I was off on a road trip to the Rancho Bernardo Inn.
To be honest, it was nice
but it didn't look anywhere as awesome as in these photos that I snagged off of the interwebs.
I certainly never saw a pool that looked anything like this.
Nor did I see a jacuzzi that looked like this.
Somehow I missed all these scenic spots.
Well no matter, I wasn't there for spa vacation. I was there for a late afternoon wedding at a local winery.
I took some nice photos of the reception on my iPhone but I've been unable to download them, so all I can show you is this bird cage thingy table decoration.  Pretty isn't it?
This was my summer wedding in a winery garb, a Tracy Reese silk chiffon dress, a vintage Celine handbag and some new strappy sandals from the Kitson outlet store in Beverly Hills.
I wore some pink sapphire and diamond jewelry too.
It was pretty.
It's hard for me to believe that the summer is almost over.  It seems to have flown by.

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