Bad Fashion Choices in 1955
(BTW the Serbin of Miami folks were really from Fayetteville, Tennessee. Figures.)
McCall's Magazine had advice for the gal in 1955. "For a busy life at home or in the office, what lo...Read more
The April 1955 cover featured eleven of the most popular models of the day. How many can you name?&n...Read more
You might think this is a portrait of me, but in fact it's the cover of Western Family magazine in 1...Read more
Bear Brand - "hand knits for young America" offer "Sharp Skate Wear for Gay Young Blades!" and asks ...Read more
Use paper rolls to make "Table Figures For Christmas"! Read more
Here's a little gift to start your New Year off right. A full size pattern for a Lilly Dache Circle ...Read more
Just a little something I whipped up. I hope you are looking so well this New Years! Read more
Bring in the new year with some party dresses for girls, toddlers and ladies from Family Circle Maga...Read more
I think these may have been suitable for holiday shopping, they don't look like party dresses, but I...Read more