BN Beauty Contributor Neni Stone has tried and tested a couple of beauty solutions to your everyday problems. From how how to soothe a dry nose to teeth whitening solutions, here are some solutions Neni has suggested.
When it comes to makeup, skin hair or any other beauty problem, chances are you need a solution fast, and discovering beauty solutions has become a bit of a hobby of mine.
So, I’ve collected my favorites below to help you the next time you’re in need of a quick beauty fix.
Use Chapsticks to soothe a dry nose
This particularly comes in handy during the Harmattan or Winter season. Just like it works on chapped lips, it can help moisturize the skin right around your nose and provide instant relief. You can also rub some inside of your nose when it’s feeling very dry, sore or just uncomfortable.
Just be sure not to stick the tube up your nose and then use it on your lips (because that’s just gross!).
Use honey to heal minor burns
For minor burns reach for some raw honey. A thick layer f honey will immediately cut the sting while also providing antibacterial protection and keeping your skin hydrated.
Reduce a pimple with full-fat yogurt
Dab a bit of full-fat yogurt on a pimple and let it dry (this takes around 20 minutes) before rinsing off with warm water to reduce inflammation and redness quickly, easily and cheaply. The lactic acid helps unclog the pore and breakdown the dead skin cells. The probiotics help to balance bacteria, and the fat helps to moisturize without clogging the skin.
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Prolong your hairdo with lemon juice
Squeeze a small amount of fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and dab at the root area to absorb any excess oils while leaving your hair with a lovely scent.
Use a Hand Sanitizer to reduce oil on your face
Got an oily face? Use hand sanitizer. The ingredient they have in common that works for this trick is dimethicone; a type of silicone. It smooths like a primer and provides a protective coat locking in moisture which creates the shine. You can use this along the hair line, your forehead or T-zone.
Use a toothbrush to exfoliate
Your toothbrush is your lips’ best friend, use it to take care of chapped lips. Use it to exfoliate the lips by making small, circular motions.
Extra tip: A clean toothbrush can also be one of the best tools for de-clumping mascara.
Use cucumbers to reduce eye inflammation
Use cool cucumbers under or over the eyelids to decrease puffiness and inflammation. Tea bags work as well.
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Use excess eye cream on nail cuticles
Say hello to soft cuticles! The next time you apply eye cream to the areas around your eye and you have got some left over, apply it on your cuticles. The extra moisturizing properties in the eye cream makes them perfect for nails.
Use coconut oil or sesame oil to whiten your teeth
Swish coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth first thing in morning for around twenty minutes. Spit it out, rinse your mouth with water, then proceed to brush your teeth. This helps for super white teeth and to get rid of cavities.
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Use aspirins and shampoo to cure dandruff
Add 2 crushed aspirins to your favorite shampoo to turn it into a dandruff-blasting product. The pills’ salicylic acid breaks down dead skin cells and product buildup.
There you have it, 10 beauty remedies that can help you out on a daily basis. Ever tried any beauty solutions? Be sure to share your experiences with us.
Photo Credit: Getty Images | | Delectablychic | Theapplediaries | Eatalkalinefoods
DISCLAIMER: The content provided was solely created and tested by Neni Stone.
Neni Stone runs a natural beauty and wellness blog. Using herself as a guinea pig, she has been compiling recipes and remedies since she was fifteen years old. Today, she has compiled almost a thousand recipes and has no intentions of stopping any time soon! Visit her blog “Neni’s Naija“
Obviously culled from bella