On my quickly growing list of events to attend in September
The Master Silversmiths of Christofle's Haute Couture Workshop, located in Normandy, France, use traditional metalworking techniques to produce all of Christofle's handmade pieces. Such works include limited editions, museum recreations, and one-of-a-kind designs that range from petite salt cellars to palace doors.
I love to learn about the creative process behind all fine craftsmanship, including sterling silver and gold metal work and where better to learn about this than Christofle.

BTW, Beladora has been on a jewelry buying rampage over the last couple of months, as to be expected,
but did you know that Beladora also buys sterling silver and gold boxes and objects d'art.  
So if you are getting bored with that old set of Tiffany sterling silverware or that gold Cartier cigarette box, you know who to call.

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