Reminder: Phil Chinn, Dana Supernowicz and Chris Jepsen (me) will discuss Historical Preservation in Huntington Beach tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 24, 4:30-6:30pm at the Huntington Beach Art Center. There will be a Q&A session after the panel discussion.
This program should be of interest to anyone who would like to see our remaining historic sites preserved, or who would like to know about the potential financial benefits of restoring or preserving your own historic (50 years or older) building. We'd like to (finally) get a preservation movement going in H.B., and perhaps you can help.
The program will be part of the Art Center's “Ebb & Flow” exhibit, honoring the centennial of the City of Huntington Beach. The Register ran an article about the exhibit yesterday.
The news clipping above is from the Huntington Beach News, in Nov. 1931, announcing the opening of the Standard Market at 128 Main St. The market was demolished during downtown's "redevelopment."