It's that time again ... a birthday. Just what everyone needs. Just don't remind me when mine comes around, okay?
Today, it's Richard Dean Anderson who's celebrating with cause: he turns 59!

It's that time again ... a birthday. Just what everyone needs. Just don't remind me when mine comes around, okay?
Today, it's Richard Dean Anderson who's celebrating with cause: he turns 59!
Happy 85th birthday to one of my all-time favorite entertainers -- Dick van Dyke. This guy was one o...Read more
Johnny Depp ... happy birthday, 2010! What more can you say? Here's a mighty good lookin' 47 years o...Read more
Is it really possible that Ewan McGregor is 38 years old today?! Good lord ... AG takes a moment out...Read more
And it's a big, loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Christopher Lambert, who turns 52 today! Can you believe that...Read more
And it's happy birthday to Matthew Broderick, who turns 46 today (same age as AG). Is it really 25 y...Read more