Somebody was playing reindeer games last night
and I've got the photos to prove it.
First put on the all important reindeer headband
Then, make sure that your trusty tree trimming assistant dons her reindeer headgear as well.
Then open a bottle of red wine
Put on the Christmas music
And try to trim the tree without breaking too many ornaments
Stop, analyze the tree for ornament coverage, rage at tree becuase it is a nordman and not a noble,
pose for a photo for posterity
then get back to the trimming
Et voila, Christmas has officially arrived chez BHB

Would those of you who are suffering with the snow be offended if I told you that here in LA we have clear blue skies and 80+ degree weather.  Sunbathing in a bikini on the terrace would be in order today...but sadly, not for me.  I'm still trying to catch up with errands, paperwork, housekeeping, xmas shopping, etc.
How about you, are you ready for the holidays?

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