Everybody wants to become smart in today’s world as it does not remain that easy to survive any more. From kids in school to adults in corporate world, being smart is the need of the hour, to fight and sustain in the rat race of the contemporary world. Though some people are born with such qualities, it should not be considered a norm. Everyone can become smart by acquiring the required skills. For this, one has to follow some simple tips, which will bring about a change in his/her lifestyle and personality, eventually making them smart enough. To know how to become smart, read the tips given below.

Tips to Become Smart
  • To become smart set important goals for yourself once a week. Make sure you do the important things first.
  • Try to improve your vocabulary by reading good books. This will make your language rich, enhancing your skills. You can even read one word at a time in the dictionary and grow intellectually gradually.
  • Excel in your education by getting good grades. Excellence in your educational field gives you confidence as well as knowledge.
  • Watch news and be aware about the recent events taking place around the world. This will increase your general knowledge and current affairs.
  • Grab more information on subjects like interesting facts, funny and inspiring quotations, good books and movies, scientific studies and interesting inventions. This will give you information to help you in interacting with other people and sound interesting and intelligent.
  • Be organized and plan each day. For remembering your schedule, keep a notebook or small digital planner and maintain a record of the due dates for important events. A weekly planner or a monthly calendar can also be used, wherein you can note down birthdays and big events.
  • Being a good listener is very important, when it comes to being smart. Listen carefully to others' opinions on controversial things or otherwise. It’s not necessary to agree with them but try to extract the maximum knowledge from others. Keep an open mind and socialize freely.
  • Be nice to people around and show genuine care towards their well being. It is a sign of maturity, class and intelligence, which will make people to look up to you. It’s a good way to feel confident.
  • Be friendly with people you find smart and who follow the above practices. It will help you in following the path with determination.
  • Exercise your brain by solving puzzles. This will make you sharp and your reflexes quick.
  • Practice math sums mentally to increase your speed. Learn varied tricks for doing complicated things to keep yourself ahead of others.
  • Try as much as possible to feel in control of your life.
  • Be happy for others on their achievement and encourage them by congratulating.

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