I was reading the post today at Maxminimus today about a football playing thug who earns $1.4 million a month. It reminded me of all the music industry thugs, if you will, who glorify a life of violence and drugs and who make bazillions of dollars doing it.  I don't believe that in 200 years this music will be still be appreciated..but I could be wrong.  In the meantime all these musicians are laughing their way to the bank.

What I've been listening to recently is music by a man who you could say also glorified violence, at least he did in one instance, by dedicating his Symphony #3 to Napoleon. 
But Beethoven later redeemed himself by renaming the Symphony Eroica after Napoleon declared himself Emperor in 1804.

I'm guessing that in 200 years, the music of Beethoven will still be appreciated.

Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92 Allegretto

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