The Anaheim Historical Society's Historic Home Tour will be held May 14-15, from 10am to 4pm. (I'm mentioning this early because it usually sells out fast.) The tour will include five beautiful historic homes and two commercial buildings: The Five Points Building (now home to Ruby's) and the Packard Dealership (now The Anaheim Brewery). Tickets are $25 on the day of the event, but only $20 if you buy them before May 1st. Tickets may be purchased through the Anaheim Historical Society, and also at the next meeting (April 14th) of the Orange County Historical Society.
San Juan Elementary School, at 31642 El Camino Real, in San Juan Capistrano will celebrate their 160th anniversary on March 25th, from 1pm. to 4pm. The old school bell will be rededicated at 2:45pm.
Steve Prothero will speak about the pioneer Prothero family of El Toro at the Saddleback Area Historical Society and Amigos de la Colinas Annual Afternoon Tea on April 10th, at 2pm. The tea will be held at Heritage Hill Historical Park, 25151 Serrano Rd., in Lake Forest (which is still known as El Toro to those who didn't just fall of the turnip truck.) By the way, they'd like folks to RSVP -- But I'm not sure to what phone number. If you're interested, perhaps the folks at Heritage Hill can help?
I've been meaning to link to the Random Exhibition Title Generator (a.k.a. The Lazy Curator) for the amusement of you museum folk out there. Somehow I haven't gotten around to it until now. Just keep clicking the "refresh" button on your browser to generate a variety of academic-ish and politically-correct-sounding titles for imaginary exhibits. You will either laugh or cry. Maybe a little of each.