On a rainy day in 1952, the "Original Berry Stand" at Knott's Berry Farm was dedictated in its new location near the rose garden. In the photo above, Rev. Claude Bunzel, (who would later run the Church of Reflections and help Walter with his Freedom Center), speaks while the Knott family and members of the Native Sons of the Golden West look on.
There's a lot of debate about just how many times the Original Berry Stand was rebuilt. Comparisons between photos of the stand in different eras indicate that at least a few versions existed. So the good news about them tearing the stand down in 2004 is that it wasn't all that historic after all.
"Ambassador of Americana" Charles Phoenix will hold a "Retro Knott's Berry Farm Slide Show" at the Bird Cage Theatre on May 15th a 2pm. Eric Lynxwiler, co-author of Knott’s Preserved, will join Charles on stage. Visit Charles' website for details and to purchase tickets. It should be a hoot!

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