There are several reasons why you have this problem. It may be a hereditary factor, due to taking certain medications, lack of vitamins, a diet or due to weather factors, too, if you were exposed to high temperatures.Daily skin care is very important. Dermatologists recommend that you don't wash your face with soap and water because in this way you are removing the protective layer of skin.
When applying creams or other preparations to face you need to do it gently and wait for it to be absorbed. In the winter, you should but protection cream on the skin before you go out.
We bring you a recipe for the morning scrub that you can make at home.
Stir these ingredients:
- one egg yolk,
- one small spoon of orange juice and a few drops of lime juice,
- one small spoon of olive oil,
- a few drops of rose water.
Apply the mixture on your skin every morning 15 minute before showering and then rinse and then put a moisturizer.