Once a symbol of power and wealth, now a fashion trend.
Piercing is the practice of puncturing or cutting any part of the body, to make a hole through which jewelry can be put. The most common and most widespread form of piercings is pierced ears, which has a majority of women and earrings are a common accessory.
Body piercing is present for thousands of years. The Mummy 5000 years old, found 1991 on the Austrian glacier had pierced ears. Pierced nose is mentioned in the Bible as well as its symbolic meaning in terms of wealth, status and power. Piercing is widespread throughout the world and among different cultures - it was done by the Aztecs, Mayans, Indians, various African tribes ...
We talked with experts for tattoo and piercing, and this is what we found out. Ears, nose, eyebrows and lips piercing are the most popular today, and genital piercing is increasing its popularity.
What body part is the hardest and easiest to pierce?
The most complicated to do is female genital piercing, while the simplest are eyebrows, nose or lips. Ears can be complicated if it comes to piercing of cartilage. A person who is engaged in piercing should be familiar with anatomy, where to pierce and which needles to use. Conditions in which piercing is done must be sterile, and needles have to be used only once. We had the opportunity to observe live tongue piercing. Contrary to expectations, there was no blood, and the entire process was completed in less than 10 minutes.
Taking care of your piercing
Care is the same with most piercing, except for oral piercing. You should buy a piercing disinfection product. Before touching your piercing, you should wash your hands. The first few days the lymph will go from the wound which has to be cleaned daily. Put some disinfection product on the wound and spin your piercing 4-5 times so this product gets in the wound. Healed piercing must be cleaned (rinse and spin) in the shower so the dirt and sweat are removed from the hole.
There can be some complications with a piercing, but everything can be repaired. With tongue and genitals piercing usually there are no complications. Most problematic is the navel, which can often become infected (bacterial inflammation). In this case, you should not take out the jewelry because the infection could only get worse. You have to contact your doctor so that he can take care of this.
When your piercing is new you should always wear it because a hole can close if you don't wear it for couple of hours. Longer you have the piercing, it will take more time to remove the hole. For example, if someone is wearing a nose piercing for a long time, and he doesn't want to wear it anymore, even after three years a hole will still be there.
When will my piercing heal?
It depends on which part of the body the piercing is done, because everything heals differently. For example, tongue, eyebrows or nose will heal in four weeks, while the belly button will heal in three months, and internal or external cochlea in 3-6 months.
Allergies to metals
All the jewelry that we use in made of medical titanium, which do not cause any inflammation or reaction. There is also plastic jewelry that was tested and does not cause allergies.
Where to buy the best body jewelry?
Body Candy is the most popular and trusted body jewelry and accessories store on the web. They are offering body jewelry that is of the highest quality and the largest variety of types & styles. Check out the best offer of body jewelry Click Here
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