Panic is the extra adrenaline that runs through your body when you are faced with a possible life-endangering condition. It can also occur due to something that triggered a memory from your past that placed you in a frightening situation and it might just be a disorder too. Whatever the case, you must know that panic attacks are all in the mind. Feelings of panic can be fearful with your body telling you to ‘fight or flight’. These are mechanisms that embedded inside to protect you. But, from what? That is a million dollar question! As mentioned above, panic attacks are mainly psychological and arise out of fear. If you are afraid of the dark then panic can grip you the moment the power goes. You may know that nothing is going to happen in the dark and that you are perfectly safe but does nothing to allay your fears and you panic – for no rhyme or reason, you just panic. But you can’t let it happen to you everytime. You need to fight back and some of the following tips can help.

Dealing With A Panic Attack 
The most basic and immediate way of dealing with a panic attack would be to shut your eyes and inhale deeply and repeatedly. This will help clear your mind and rationalise your thoughts. Panic attacks are usually accompanied by racing heart beat, clammy hands, sweating and shortness of breath etc. And all these symptoms vanish the moment you take deep breaths and relax yourself. The more long term ways of dealing with this condition are stated below:

Meditation, yoga and breathing techniques soothe the nerves and bring great relief to the patient. During a panic attack, counting numbers from 1 to 100 or in the reverse order or inhaling and exhaling deeply or chanting mantras and slokas are useful strategies that can bring relief during a panic attack. Breathing techniques have a scientific logic behind them. When adequate amounts of oxygen reach the brain then the severity of the attack lessens considerably.

Lifestyle Changes
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the solution to many problems that commonly arise in life. Avoiding alcohol, nicotine and junk food go a long way in ensuring a hale, hearty and panic-less you! Even in the case of panic attacks, try incorporating a healthy lifestyle to see and feel the difference. Lifestyle changes include regular exercise coupled up with a healthy diet. An ideal body weight index helps keeping the heart healthy thereby driving away the panic attacks.

Consult An Expert
Self medication is a scary concept which you should avoid at all costs. Consult a professional health expert and weigh your pros and cons before popping any random pills. Dependency on medicines and overdose of drugs give rise to graver problems. Search a physician with a history of dealing with panic disorders patients and share your problems with him.

Watching T.V or thinking about the person you trust or love the most in the whole wide world would help in diverting your mind from the panic to brighter thoughts. Visualise yourself performing the activity you love the most. If you are a foodie then see yourself biting into the deliciously yummy sinful death by chocolate cake but make sure you don’t make it a habit – stress eating can be just as dangerous as the attacks. Go take a walk in the park and watch people carry out their everyday normal activities. This will help you come back to normalcy.
Realizing that you are not in this situation alone will give you the strength. Acknowledge the fact that you are getting a panic attack and seek help. Relax and try to gain control of the situation. Although you might say it is ‘easier said than done’, bear one thing in your mind — panic attacks are all in the head and it’s YOUR head and it will take YOUR will power to treat it

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