London worked more than I've ever seen her work. That girl was doing 3 shoots a day, every day. With the amount of time it takes to get around in the big city, she was pulling 12hr days on her feet... just go, go, go! Every night we'd hop in our big fluffy hotel bed, so excited to not have to share a couch or a floor, thinking we would immediately pass out and get some good sleep, only to stay awake for hours talking and giggling like 7 year-olds at a sleep over. It seemed that the more desperately we needed sleep, the more it eluded us. This caused us to be like zombies for most of the week, but we made it to all our shoots and had a blast with each other like we always do.

London had a shoot with an artistic erotic artist, Aeric Meredith. I got to shoot with him too. The photos are phenomenal. He was one of the most interesting people I've met in a long time. Reminds me of the kind of people I meet at Burningman...
Other shoots included artsy stuff, glamor stuff and more fetish: tickle wrestling,...