Are you already starting to make your plans for Christmas? 
I am.  This year has really flown by, hasn't it?

I didn't want to let the week go by without sending a big congratulations to Parisian blogger Tish Jett for her article in More Magazine, A Crime of Fashion Narrowly Averted.  Well done Tish.

Also, I was thrilled to see Wendy's post on the creative process that goes into making a piece of jewelry. 

If you aren't reading the weekend Wall Street Journal, you should be. It's a great paper.  Last weekend's issue had a great article on the Death of the Playboy.
In his day, a playboy didn't shout he was a "playah"—he just . . . was. What the deuce did he care if anyone else knew it?

Included in the list of long lost playboys was the playboy of the century, Porfiro Rubirosa.   Polo playing dilettante Rubrirosa managed to marry not one but two of the wealthiest women in the world, Barbara Hutton and Doris Duke.  Imagine what kind of charm he must have had to pull that off. When is someone going to make a film about his life?

I also enjoyed reading about Luca Cordero di Montezemolo
La Bella Vita,
Meet the uncrowned king of Italy, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo,chairman of Ferrari,multimillionaire entrepreneur and champion of Italian culture. Is he ready to give up his charmed life to save his troubled country?
All I have to say after reading this article is... run Luca run!
Italy needs you.

More miscellany regarding Italy
don't you just love the fact that Fiat has recently introduced the Fiat 500 to the US. 
Fiat's haven't been sold here is like what, decades? 
Here's a couple of photos of the one of the Gucci versions that I saw on Rodeo Drive

It's like a Mini...but with a little more.
Loving Italian design, jewelry and of course food
it only makes sense that I would love Italian wines too.
My fabulous Italian client Giulia suggested that I try these
Nero d'Avola, Greco di Tufo and Fiano d'Avellino
Have you tried them?

On the topic of wine, closer to home I can recommend Salus Cabernet from the Staglin family vineyard in Napa Valley.

I just tried it a couple of weeks ago and it was delicious.
Last weekend I met the Staglins at an event and learned that they are serious about their philanthropy.  A portion of every sale from Salus wine goes to mental health research so not only do they make amazing wines they raise a huge amount of money for mental health charities.
On my Roku I'm just now getting around to watching the second season of Mad Men but honestly I'm having trouble staying interested.

While I love the production value of the show and the attention to period detail especially with the clothes, architecture and dismissive attitude towards the women, I find that most of the characters are just so obnoxious that I get annoyed with the show.
Right now I'm more interested in reading about the advertising business from the perspective of a real ad man.

Pickett, Plunkett and Puckett  was written by my friend Larry Postaer who's ad agency has created so many memorable ads.

OK, so I really can't finish without blogging a little for

If you are perusing this month's Marie Claire magazine, be sure to check out he jewelry worn by Reese Witherspoon.

Cute bracelet, isn't it?


Steve Jobs RIP

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